Friday, November 6, 2009

Sad Day

Today is the memorial service for Officer Timothy Brenton, the Seattle police officer who was killed last weekend. It is so incredibly sad and terrible to think that someone could commit such a cold-blooded murder like this. Matt and I have definitely been shaken up by the whole event. I have been giving him an extra tight hug before he leaves for work every day, but at the same time I've been trying not to let myself get too worried about him. Events like this don't happen very often and my worrying won't help in any way. It has been comforting for me to see how the whole city and police department has come around the family and really honored this officer. I'm happy to know that Matt and I are part of a department that cares so much about its officers and family members. The whole event has been a dose of reality and a reminder for me to be thankful for each day.

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